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Simulated Data Generator

The simulated data generator it used to create source signals that are coupled according to a brain state dynamics, in which the brain state can be seen as a particular connectivity pattern that remains stable.

The simulated data generator can be found in the /simulator folder in the mambolab repository, and is the simulatedata.m function.

The function needs a cfg structure as input, which has the following elements:

  • cfg.fsample : int, the sampling frequency (default = 256)
  • cfg.LengthTS : float, the approximative length of the simulated timeseries (default : 1)
  • cfg.NumBCS : int, number of brain states to be simulated
  • cfg.RangeLenBCS : cell (n_states x 2), range of the length of brain states occurence (min, max) in sec (default:lengthTS)
  • cfg.ProbTransMat : default uniform distributed transition matrix
  • cfg.NumParcel : number of parcels
  • cfg.NumNodesBCS : vector (1 x n_states) whose i-th component codes the number of parcels involved in the i-th BCS
  • cfg.C : adjacency matrix e.g. cfg.C{i}(1,2):1 denotes setting an interaction from parcel 1 to parcel 2 in the i-th BCs
  • cfg.FreqBandInter : vector (2), band in which the frequency-specific interactions occur (in Hz)
  • cfg.ModelType : string, model used to generate data values: ‘PhaseDelayed’, ‘TimeDelayed’ or ‘AR’ (default:’PhaseDelayed’)
  • cfg.PhaseDelayInter : cell (n_states x 2), range of the phase delay of brain states (only for ‘PhaseDelayed’)
  • cfg.TimeDelayInter : cell (n_states x 2), range of the time delay of brain states (only for ‘TimeDelayed’)
  • cfg.IntARorder : int, order of the AR model (only for ‘AR’)
  • cfg.SeqBCS : timeseries of the BCS occurence (e.g. cfg.SeqBCS:[1 3] means that BCS-1 is the first occurring state, followed by BCS-3)
  • cfg.LenBCSloc : length in seconds of the BCS duration for each occurring state (e.g. cfg.LenBCSloc: [1.5 0.3] means that occurrence of first occuring state is 1.5 sec, while the one of the second occuring state is 0.3 sec.

To run the simulator you need to execute data = simulatedata(cfg), and the output will be a FieldTrip compatible structure with the trial field that contains the simulated timeseries, while the time field contains the timepoints used and the cfg contains the passed parameters.


The file examples/example_simulator.m contains an example for the data generator.

cfg                     = [];
cfg.fsample             = 256;  % sampling frequency
cfg.LengthTS            = 20;   % approximative length of the simulated time series (in sec)
cfg.NumBCS              = 4;    % number of brain connectivity states (BCS) to be simulated
cfg.RangeLenBCS         = {[1 2], [0.1 1], [0.1 1], [0.1 1], [0.1 1]}; % range of the length of BCS occurrence (in sec.)

cfg.NumParcel           = 87;   % number of parcels (or channels)
cfg.NumNodesBCS         = randi([2 5], 1, cfg.NumBCS); % number parcels involved in each BCSs

cfg.C                   = {}; % adjacency matrix